254 TOP 10 Freshmen 2013 – FINAL LIST



Why lie, it’s been a long time coming but it’s finally here. I know we are late in showcasing this but we seriously all got sidetracked while we had the list finally cemented a few months ago. Part of the delay has been me slacking on how best this should be packed but the more I thought about it the more it dawned on me to strictly keep it to the music.

You gotta start off with the “GetMziki Top 10 Freshmen 2013 – Those Who Did Not Make The Cut” for you to understand and marinate on the panel we have on our team. From Leo, Louis, Dj Dan Mixa, Carl The Truth and me, we sorted to find the 254 best artist of 2013. Let me give u a brief rundown of what happened. We showcased the 2012 top freshmen but the more we looked at the players for the 2013 final list we soon realised that we had to showcase other genres of music. For us to showcase the amazing talent in Kenya we had to include everyone who was releasing good quality and consistent records. Consider this as a group of upcoming, emerging, and buzzing artist that we feel are going to be the “next to blow.”

You gonna have people saying that artist A or B or C should have been on the list or shouldn’t have had a spot on the list and we truly respect that. However you have to understand that our panel is people who first look at the music, the artist grind and future qualities. Here are some of the talk and discussions going on the various round table sessions. We talked about the 2012 GetMziki Freshmen list, Listened to various upcoming artists from various regions in Kenya, talked about Chance The Rapper, Childish Gambino, Ojiji and Xcalibar, Gospel music in Kenya, the rise of female Kenyan MC’s, Naija Nite In Kenya (sic) and much more. Do you get the picture. Big shoutouts to Carl the Truth and Dj Dan Mixa for coming through in finalizing the list and having the same passion in showcasing the great musical talent from Kenya. I owe u guys big time…….

And it seemed like everyone had a list in 2013. From subdued artists, KOT to various producers, it seems everyone wanted their favorite artist to be on the list. We listened, asked opinions, took notes and finally came up with the final list. Any artist who thinks we overlooked them to be part of the 254 TOP 10 Freshmen 2013 finale, you probably are not grinding good enough to be on the list.

To all the 2013 FRESHMEN, you deserve to be on the list. MIXTAPE COMING REAL SOON. We will be showcasing the artists individually in the coming weeks.

Here are the top ten artists representing Kenya all over the globe in 2013 in no order.

-Hope Kid
-Nali Katana
-Fena Gitu
-Masta Piece


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