Plan B – Playground


I could not get a lot of info on Kenyan artist Plan B, which speaks volumes on what not to do as an upcoming artist. Even when I searched for “Plan B Kenyan Artist”, I could not get any info apart from his videos.

We sometimes get flak for not promoting upcoming artists, but sometimes, there is only so much we can do. After some searching I stumbled on his Soundcloud page where he describes his background. Barry 'Plan B' Oguge was born in Nairoberry. Early in my life I was exposed to music through my parents, they were feeling artist such as Franco, Madilu, and M

ichael Jackson. Growing up my family traveled a lot around the world, going to New Zealand, Australia, United Kingdom, and America before moving back to Kenya after high school.”

This is Plan B's current release that was produced by Provoke music.

Not that it matters, but Plan B has what it takes to make a mark out there. A long term plan should be to change his name for better marketing and branding purposes.

Listen to the track below:


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)

Watch the video below:
