Brand New: Cindy feat P-Square – You Me


Blu 3

Cindy Sanyu was the cake of Blu 3 (the popular pop stars group from Uganda). The reason I say she was the cake apparently she was the sexiest of the crew I am not sure why but that was the word on the streets. Personally I had my eyes on the other thick (thunder thighs) Blu 3 chic am not sure what her name was. Needless to say this is Cindy’s solo project and she had to go get the best of the best – P-Square.

Currently P-Square is asking for 50,000 USD to pull of a show in Africa and in the US. Based on how African (Kenyan) promoters do business in the US, you can continue holding you breath because there is no way anyone here is going to come up with that cash. Sounds hard to believe but thats what my sources say.

Blu 3 have been known to do plenty of big things, I think many Ugandas are like Luo’s – they tend to want to do big things – look at Chameleon, Bobby Wyne and the likes… So its not anything our of the ordinary to see Cindy pull off a big collaboration such as this one. However sources also tell me that those P-Square Naijas are really cool peeps. They seem to have embraced working with virtually any artists from the African region so it might be a good thing for them in the long run. Their brand has been expanding exponentially over the last few months. So big ups to anyone in the pipeline to get blessed with a P-Square collaboration.

Here is the interesting joint…

listen to You – Me here:


download the track here:


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)


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