Camp Mulla Feat Bamboo – Move on (***GetMziki Exclusive)


Camp Mulla

When artists release albums or projects, it’s inevitable that a few non-single tracks will not get the constant replay as the singles. I call it the “A side mentality” where when LP’s were the norm, some djs would get a record and just play the first track on the A side and never even even bother to find out what was on side B. Months down the lines when the artist started releasing the tracks on side B they would be like ” I never knew I had this song”. I always like bumping to the non-single tracks first since the single tracks get overplayed like crazy.

Now the first time I heard the full Camp Mulla album, this track stuck with me. I’ve always wanted to showcase it, but had to lean back to provide ample time for the album promotion and the other singles releases. Matter of fact, this song has not been released as an official single and you will now see how “people” start posting it on various media outlets:)

“Move on” finds Camp Mulla enlisting one of their musical friends Bamboo each taking a turn to provide insight as to why exactly “you can never live in the past no more, but you have to move on”. This is a great record… I guess not everyone can relate to the words but for me, this is a BANGER!!!!

Enough said!!!!!!

Listen to the track below:

[audio: Move On (Featuring Bamboo).mp3]


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