Sauti Sol – Still the One (**GetMziki Exclusive)


The last time we featured Sauti Sol on the site was with their track “Range Rover”. While other media sites while going ham on the record and playing the “we love it” bandwagon theme, we chose to call it as we saw it.

It’s one thing you know you will get with our song reviews. “Range Rover” as reviewed by Leo was a horrible record and we were honest and open about .Here is an excerpt on the song review by Leo.

“Seriously guys – RANGE ROVER!!! Really?
Truly I am embarassed and disappointed to say I was a SAUTI SOL fan. I felt like I could relate to the group, I felt like they represented a movement, a sound, a story. I felt the partnership they had with Wawesh at the time was probably the best thing since M-PESA. But you can’t tell me these are the same guys who made Lazizi and Blue Uniform? I actually refuse to accept that they have evolved and grown into this…

Fast forward to last week when they released this new record and they are definitely going back to the esence of the Lazizi and Blue Uniform days. We definitely got a banger here 🙂

For past features and FREE download of Sauti Sol’s music click here

Listen to the track below:


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)


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