Hardstone – Get Money (GetMziki Exclusive *)


image courtesy of Hardstone Myspace

This is one of those posts that I want to publish and kinda just let it take its own journey as people form opinions and critic the song themselves. Although I am compelled to really say this – and this came after much thought and discussion with a close friend about the direction of this music.

I think mentally and emotionally in our hearts its hard to associate HARDSTONE with anything else other than what he did about 10 to 15 years ago (YES its been that long). Since Uhiki, we sorta have been fixated with what we knew of him and what his music meant to us at the time. I think 10 years later its okay for an artists to go through some form of metamorphosis and change into something different. Especially if he is so detached from the motherland. Living in Cleveland also doesn’t help much because I personally don’t know of a thriving local Kenyan community in Cleveland as with other states in the US. So its safe to say he has been consumed by his environment and has eventually found a local niche where he lives. The mixtape market out there is thriving – it beats having to wait for ATL Thanksgiving to make real money from performances any day.

So to me while I do not really understand the direction of this music, I am compelled to embrace it and accept that an artists has to eventually grow and explore new areas of music. Kanye did it, Jay Z did it, Bamboo did it, even Lil Wayne and Diddy are doing it right now (with their rock and electronic dance albums). So power to thee Hardstone – I am just excited that you are still in the game, although we don’t hear much about you – your Myspace page seems vibrant and full of life.


listen to Get Money here:


download the track here:


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