Proffesor Jay feat Klepto – Njoo


image courtesy of Musyoka Facebook

Many times we often comment on the artists delivery, the lyrical composition of the songs and probably the skill set and charisma of the artist. We rarely comment about the producers or the production houses. As much as majority of the users on this site are producers and DJ’s its interesting that no particular post has focused on any single producer in terms of delivery, consistency and skillz.

Therefore allow me to indulge this producer on this post, just this one time.

As much as I want to talk about this song – which is on my 2009 ipod favorites playlist (its actually a 2008 hit). I am compelled to talk about Eric Musyoka as a producer who has done many wonderful things. Musyoka has single handedly changed the face of Kenyan hiphop since his inception as a producer. Of course not too many people know that Musyoka was a rapper in his previous life – but i will save his street credibility before some of his material starts surfacing :-). I am just glad he gave up the Mic for the sound board.

I’ve worked with Musyoka on a few projects and I noticed a few production habits a long the way. His signature teeth grinding and keyboard chunking when he is compiling production tools in the fridge (Sound studio at Homeboyz) keeps you on the edge of your seat through out the entire session. All artists respect this dude, I am yet to meet someone who wasn’t happy with the work he did or the way he treated them. Musyoks came to the US a few months ago to further his skill at NYU (NYC – My mistake I meant to say Musyoka came to NYC) and after he graduated he went back home to manage P-UNIT. I have nothing but a lot of love and respect for the man – but more respect for the music he constantly creates.

My favorite tracks from Musyokas kitchen – are stuck somewhere in that failed SEMA album… Sakalataka being one of them and a few other joints that were slept on were ridiculously sick (there is also some Mr Googz material I heard before dude went secular thats sick). However for now please listen to this East African collaboration from Professor Jay from Tanzania and Klepto (Kenya) – pay attention to the harps and keyboard if you can – then you will understand why Musyoka will always be DR. DRE wa KENYA.

ps. Not that anyone cares but if I was ever to put East African producers into a bucket of people I would like to work on my artists album – this is how that list would look like.

1. Musyoka (Kenya)
2. P-Funk (Tanzania)
3. Ambrose Mandugu Digital (Kenya)
4. Steve Jean (Uganda) (The old Steve Jean..)
5. Masta J (Tanzania)
6. Hiram (Kenya)

listen to Njoo here:


download the track here:


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