Alikiba Feat. Lady Jay Dee – Single Boy (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


I have this compelling feeling that SEVEN (a good friend and a dynamic media personality in Tanzania) is currently behind AliKibas image. I was watching this interview – and I noticed Ali has a glove on one hand, and the shades through the interview… It just felt like SEVEN has a hand in deciding this mans upcoming look and feel. For what its worth Its working. Looking at the image I updated above you can notice Alikiba is currently putting in work at the gym and the ladies will eat this new image up for breakfast, supper and lunch.

So why talk about the song – when we can talk about Alikibas new image and look? Damn the 2012 US tour will be crazy if this is how he plans to enter the country again.

Okay so lets just talk about the song a little, single boy is a good track. Its not a classic Kiba song as i feel it sounds too much like KAPUKA. If you listen to the beat arrangement and kick and snare – you can hear the bumkapuka! bumkapuka! So to me this is just okay – its a winning formula – play it safe, keep the fans safe and sing about something young ladies want to here.

Watch this interview if you have time, Kiba addresses questions about the music, the lifestyle and his own relationship status…

listen and download the track here:

Alikiba Feat. Lady Jay Dee – Single Boy by getmziki

watch the video here: (ps. this video is just an edit – its not the original video)


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