Batabazi- Rise Up


I want to start off the post by sending a message of condolence from the GetMziki team to all the people who lost thier loved ones and for the loss of life in the Uganda bombings during the soccer world cup finals. Our prayers and thoughts are with the Ugandan people.

Various Ugandan artists have been releasing tribute songs and songs also talking about the incident. One of the groups Batabazi just released this song “RiseUp” talking about the incident. We have featured them on the site before with thier song “Dirty Shame” featuring Jackie of Blu 3.

“Rise Up” recorded in in Luganda and English, is a song encouraging all the Ugandan people to stay strong amidst all the things currently going on in the country.

Listen to the encouraging words on the track!!!!


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)


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