Isis Feat. Bamboo – Tribal Dance (GetMziki Exclusive******)


Isis is a up and coming Kenyan artist who is slowly but surely building a buzz in the music scene with a couple of hit records. She released “Mama Africa” this past week which will add to her list of tracks she's currently promoting. From my sources, Eve Dima a.k.a Isis grew up in Sweden and recently moved back to Kenya.

We've had this track for a while now , slowly marinating on the song. Silvastone handles the production on this track that features Bamboo. Dope production, everyone went in on this one! “Tribal Dance” is good track with good lyrics and good flow by Bamboo. This is the Bamboo that we love!!!!!. One good thing about Isis from the track's I've heard so far is her versatility.

Numerous artists often hit us asking for tips on how to get featured on the site or make the “it” step. This is an addition to my “Tips For Upcoming Artists” series that I started this week

Tip 2: Marketing Plan

So you got your music sounding right, your image is on point, and your online presence looks solid. But how will people know you exist? You rock local shows but only manage to sell a few cds afterward. At this point, you need a real marketing plan. Slangin’ CD’s on the block ain’t been hot since the first iPod came out! The truth is you won’t go far if you don’t refine your hustle and use 2012 marketing strategies. Sure, a CD might come in handy if you bump into your favorite artist, record executive or radio host and hand him your music but if you haven’t already made a buzz for yourself on your own, your CD will most likely end up in the trash. A little research into how to coordinate a basic marketing campaign will get you to the next level and closer to your goal. (Extracted from Online source)

Listen to the track below:


Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)
