Kigoma All Stars – Leka Dutigite (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


Once in a while a song comes up that just completes me in terms of what it stands for. I think for me this track is all encompassing of the passion and love these artists not only have for one another but the love they have for their town. I mean this track could have been about a tribe, or a people – but its more about a town and what that town represents.

Some history for the folks who don't know where KIGOMA is, its near lake Tanganyika and if you know that area well you will know it borders the DRC. One of the few things thats probably goes unsaid is the assimilation of Congolese in Tanzania as is their adoption of Swahili language. Truly when you listen to

Twanga Pepeta its just a Tanzanianized – Lingala Movement. When I think of the closeness of these two places and the talents that are between the two states its no wonder so many singers are currently from KIGOMA.

Here is a dedication by the artists that call KIGOMA their hometown. To give you a run down of the heavy weights on this track here they are

Baba Levo
Banana Zorro
Diamond Platnumz (better known just as DIAMOND)
Ommy Dimpoz
Queen Darling
Peter Msechu

download and listen to the track here:

[Download the track here: RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS]

watch the video here:


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