Chidi Benz – Popompoo (GetMziki Exclusive *****)



It’s Tanzania week at GetMziki – Alvin has been dropping heat all week through so I think I will take ownership of the first three songs this week. Especially because I want to own up to something that I have been denying for a while now. OKAY ALVIN you were right… LEMAR is the KING!

A few years ago Ambrose (Mandugu Digital) moved to Tanzania. Mandugu changed and switched the style up in Bongo Flava by introducing the bounce. I don’t think people were ready for the Bounce on Bongo Flava hooks but it worked and a brand new style of hiphop was introduced in TZ. Now anyone who knows Bongo Flava knows that there are some crazy producers in TZ; Mika Mwamba, P-Funk and Masta Jay amongst others are very talented folks however I think the addition of Mandugu in Tanzania allowed all these other cats to elevate their game and switch their style up also.

But this one person who stands out from the crowd is LEMAR – I don’t even know the cat but I would be honored to meet him, because beat after beat his style is just different and unpredictable. He doesn’t seem to have a signature hook or sound if you compare all the tracks he has produced this year. This new heat from Chidi Benz produced by LEMAR is one of the few reasons I think Madungu moved back to Kenya (LOL) (Am just joking Amby ha ha ha) but honestly I think the production field in TZ has been leveled out now with the likes of LEMAR. Its becoming more evident that you dont have to go to G Records or to Bongo Records to come out with a hot single.

Without futher due – I want to give you Chidi Benz hit track called Popompoo

listen to popompoo here:


download the track here:


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