DJ Kill Bill – Utake Blueprint


image courtesy of GetMziki

Disclaimer: Every now and then I get bored when I get home from work and in order to unwind I sit in front of my PC and play with Photoshop. As I was listening to this mix, I was inspired to design something different the way I interpreted the music on the mix. This are the fruits of that quick session, Bill I hope you like the work 🙂

Last weekend I had the opportunity of spending time with some old friends, one of whom is Tom Mwicigi the master mind behind Uhuru Clothing. I have been Tom’s friend for a while now and I also sit on his virtual advisory business board, so it’s always nice to meet in person and just talk casually. I admire young enterprising guys who are trying to take the baton from OG’s who have retired the game. So Kudos to Tom and the awesome work he is doing pushing his brand and clothing line to great heights. Anyway as I was chilling with Tom at my crib – he was busy playing mixes from DJ Kill Bill and various other websites. This one mix however caught my attention considering the little sucker downloaded the mix on my computer I eventually had to pay close attention (this Bill Mix I am posting)

Funny thing is that Billy used to send me mixes, but its been a while since my inbox has been blessed with anything from him :-), maybe he is busy these days lol ama amekuwa star 🙂 Either way I think Billy is an okay DJ (a good DJ), I like his work because its unpredictable. Most of his work seems to have a mix of the old vs the new so you never can tell whats coming or how it will come. I was compelled to share this mix so here goes – I hope you enjoy it, and I hope he doesn’t mind me posting his work here…


Utake dvd
image courtesy of DJ KillBill

listen to UTAKE Blueprint:


download the mix here:

Right click and hit save Target as


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