Wenyeji feat Jua Cali – Hewa


image courtesy of Jua Cali – Myspace

This is such a random song that I got from Wenyeji a while back, I didn’t think much about it truly at the time. To be honest i don’t really dont think much about it today. But there are some hardcore JuaCali fans and some hardcore Wenyeji fans that have been bugging me out to post more material so I thought I would share this track today.

The collaboration feels like forced partnership, Jua Cali definitely delivered the right hook and the left punch and the jab, but the beat doesn’t keep me wanting to listen to the entire track. Wenyeji have other interesting songs, but to me I wouldn’t say this is one of their best tracks. However to all their fans, here is some new music from Wenyeji (not so new but new in GetMziki terms)

listen to hewa here:


download the track here:


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