Brand New: Lobo, UB & Kenrazy – Fuata Ndoto yako


Ive had this song for a while but due to my hectic schedule lately I have been unable to update the site – hopefully my team has managed updates as much as they could. That said, I got this track from a guy called Lobo, UB and Kenrazy. Its an interesting track – Ive heard of UB back in the day from Ukoo Fulani and that whole Mau Mau Camp and of course Kenrazy has been hitting the local scene since his Tichi hit. Maybe someone can shed some light on who LOBO is.

I kinda like this track, its not a club banger – but its definitely a car banger and something you can listen to on a lose friday on your way to the club. I threw in the instrumental and accapella for the DJs to go crazy with it. Enjoy the track,..

listen to fuata ndoto yako here:


download the track here:

Bonus Material // Get the instrumental and Accapella here:

download the instrumental here:

download the accapella here:


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