Logombas – African Girl (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


I’ve caught some flack from a few folks here and there whom I wont name for apparently snubbing the Logombas new hits. I think one of the few things that goes unsaid in this industry is the numerous conversations that happen behind the scenes. Like people just see what you put out, people never see the work you may be doing behind the scene for folks. SMDH!!

Lovy and I talk more often than any of the artists I put up on GetMziki, sometimes maybe too much – Lovy has been concentrating on his production and truthfully if I get my hands on AIDA’s album – I promise to do justice to half the tracks I’ve heard (which were produced about two years ago). Lovy is talented producer – I cant reiterate that fact. In fact these hits guys go crazy for are nothing compared to what the cat can do. I don’t talk about Lovy here because there is nothing he is doing today that is related to the African market (directly) I mean dude has been busy making hits for guys in the US so why should I spend time talking about QUEEN!!! ha ha ha…

Anyway for the Africans on this blog – here is a track for you “African Girl” to me this track is a cookie cutter. It plays on the same word play that queen had – what I call formulaic tracks. Its guaranteed to be an instant hit all round with its catchy hooks and African/Caribbean feel drums and harps. (Okay so maybe we will post Queen sometime this week since its been demanded like 600 times) ..

Let me be real for a second I think I never posted Queen because they used “Autotune” LOL on that track. Christian can sing, like real talk the kid can sing – if you compare Queen to African Girl you will hear what I am saying. Anyway I digress – Logombas are putting some work on their upcoming album, but to me I am more excited about the work Lovy has been doing that he is currently not sharing with the world or in particular the audience that frequents this blog – so stay tuned coz BADMAN productions is about to change the music game.

listen and download African girl track here:

Actually here is a sampler I love that he did about 2yrs ago if you are second guessing his production:


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