Mimmo – Kari Kii (GetMziki Exclusive*****)


Let me just share with everybody out there. In the music business, everything revolves around getting your name out there and networking. Those few things will never change. We also live in a “microwave” age where everybody needs things now. I’ve said this time and time again. Artists should not try and reinvent the wheel when it comes to somethings. One thing you have to do, is give some of your music away for free.

Artist tip 5: If you’ve written good music, the news will spread. This is the beauty of how easy it is to pass digital files from person-to-person over the Internet. All of the digital piracy and music sharing that major record labels hate can work to your advantage. Let people steal your music. Encourage people to steal your music. If they like what they hear, they’ll pass it on to others. In return, you will gain fans, people will buy your album, which leads to more touring opportunities. Why this works. People love free stuff and they love to talk about it. Your music will be heard if you open it up to people. This is what many indie record labels do to spread the word about new releases. They give people some songs off of the album for free to catch interest and build buzz. One single song download could turn into 10-15 people or 1,000-50,000 people listening to that song. (From online source)

Mimmo who has been featured on GetMziki recently released this new track “Kari Kii”. I really have not listened to the track enough to have an opinion about it. Shout outs to her graphics team.

For now enjoy!!!!

Listen to the track below:


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