Octopizzo – Mama (Mixtape Fridays)


It’s been dope to watch Octopizzo over the last couple of years,slowly ascend to the artist he is today. When Getmziki strongly labelled him as one of the “artists to watch” a few years back we received some backlash from various djs and readers, who thought his music was not up to par. However time has proved us right. Octopizzo is definitely one of the top freshmen. Now everybody is jumping on the “numba nane babbbay” bandwagon.

One question still remains on the lips of all the doubters out there. Is Octopizzo here to stay. For an answer to that, please listen to “Mama”. Octopizzo recently releasd “Mama,” which is dedicated to his beloved mother whom he appreciates and respects deeply.

Here is one twit post by a fan on Octopizzos Twitter page that stongly summarises the song.

“God bless Octopizzo, there is something sentimental about the song ‘MAMA’. Keep scaling the hip hop heights, bro.”

Octopizzo is definitely making his mark in 2012

Enjoy the video below:


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