Size 8 Reborn – Holy Holy


Size 8 Reborn Holy Holy. Kenya Award winning Gospel singer, Size 8 Reborn returns as she drops off her new single “Holy Holy” along with the video.

Here are some words from Size 8 Reborn

“Wow what a glorious God we serve a loving father perfect in all His ways ageless super natural my only True God. Yaweh i am honoured to be part of your kingdom. I was a sinner ,a chief of sinners I was but Like Paul in the bible out of your mercy, grace and love you saved me delivered me and made me a new creation to worship you in spirit and in truth and to publicly without shame declare the gospel of salvation from you thru your son Jesus Christ. To the nation’s I go to do your will…………………….To God be all the glory……..“


Watch the video below:


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