Stella Mwangi – Lookie Lookie (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


Man I love this chile I don’t know what to do about it, this is getting insane. Right now the love has changed from wanting to be with her like a chile to just waiting and hogging the comp waiting for her new tracks to drop. To be honest I wasn’t really feeling that Haba haba track but when this track dropped on my laps a few weeks ago I just fell off my chair. The thing I love about STL owe sorry I mean Stella (it seems she is dropping the STL) is that she just understands her capabilities as an artist. She understands her brand, she understands her market and more importantly she understands me as a consumer and as a fan.

The world has gone pop, which in Kenya and other parts of the world they call this type of music Dance. In the US this is pop (popular) which is probably the most dominant music genre in the UK but just crossed over in the US in a big way over the last two years all thanks to Akon and David Guetta (I am made to understand that Pop was bigger in the US back in the day and then it got boring as with most fads in the US then it crossed over to the UK and has since then been the standard, so pop is just coming back to where it started). Pop has become so rampant in the US that all radio station formats just had to change and modify programming to accommodate this genre because all rappers, r&b artists and soul singers jumped onto pop to remain relevant. Now Stella is not necessarily the first Kenyan artist to jump on the genre but by all means she is the only female artist in Kenya who sounds fly on a pop track.

Anyway the video is fresh the production is fresh.. Stella is just fresh, I love the fact that she is just comfortable with her brand being STELLA MWANGI! I mean how fly is that. Plus the fact that her opening line is in sheng – am completely floored, let me get back to LOOKIE LOOKIE…

listen to Lookie Lookie here:


download the track here:

[Right Click here and hit Save Target/Link as]

watch the video here:


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