K'Naan "Troubadour" Album In Stores Now



If you haven’t copped K’Naan’s new album “Troubadour’ you need to do so and show your support for good quality music. I bought my copy on the day it came out on Tue and also had his street single “Somali” on ISHIKE RADIO PART 11. K’Naan, originally from Somalia and now living in Canada, gives the fans a classic album. The album features Mos Def, Chubb Rock, Damian Marley, Adam Levine and many more. All the songs are bangers but my fav’s are “15 minutes away” and “If Rap Gets Jealous “. I’m sure many people will relate to “I5 minutes away” where K’Naan describes the hustle in sending money abroad.
All upcoming artists should have K’Naan as a blueprint for thier musical journey coz u will learn a couple of things among them
1. How to cater to a world wide audience and still have that “African” feel to it.
2. If you don’t reach your target audience on album number one (yeah this is K’Naans second album) keep on hustling.
I personally like his music since he talks about world wide issues while keeping it lyrical. This is not a cd for those who do not appreciate lyricism or for anyone who “only” appreciates 100bpm “party music”. There are no free downloads on this post. You can get the cd by clicking here. For More on K’Naan and free downloads on his music check out http://knaanmusic.ning.com/. Check out the videos for ‘Somalia” and “ABC’s” on Jimmy Kimmel Live below.


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