Brand New: Ground Zero – Haitawezekana


Lyrical Assasins

Calvo (Calvin) from Lyrical Assassins dropped a bunch of tracks last week that he wanted to share with the world. I like Calvo because he seems to be one of the few people who really understands what the web can do for their group. Lyrical Assassins has leveraged 50% of all Social Media to put their music and their thriving musical careers out there. I would recommend any Kenyan/local artists to follow these cats because to me the synergies we have been able to build between Lyrical Assassins and GetMziki has allowed them to push more tracks than ever before.

That said – out of all the tracks he sent over, I think I like this Ground Zero joint. I think these are the same cats featuring politely on that Mishuma track that I like so much….(Calvo send me that track – Mishuma).

Enjoy the song here, I dont have any real input yet – I need to give it some more rotations, so for now lets collectively give it some constructive criticism.

listen to Haitawezekana here:


download the track here:


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