Thanksgiving Experience to the World – Take Over DJ’s (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


Ahhh!!! Another year another Thanksgiving, Another Take Over DJs mix. Ahhhh!! I wish the events were as simple as the mixes come out but maybe that will happen another year. As it is my sources tell me Atlanta is likely to have about 2 to 3 competing events this year. This should be interesting considering the amount of resources and finances being pumped into both these events. I guess this is good whichever way you look at it – essentially all this is being done for you the customer. The better the entertainment package the more you are likely to attend one event vs the other.

Actually a few years later and I have completely changed my opinion. If there is no competition in any market then the products just remain flat. I mean why try to do something out of the ordinary if you are still winning it big. I remember during akina Oscars time – the highlight maybe was the fashion show – and maybe Hardstone but thats about it… So be prepared to be sold on a variety of different formats this year better than last year.

Keeping this in mind, this is the official TOD mix that dropped a few weeks ago and was released on their website first and then to us guys next. TOD are good DJs so am not going to try getting into explaining and talking or criticizing their capabilities. But truth be told the first set on this mix is just okay – it’s what I expect from TOD or many DJ outfits… well to put this into context, its not comparable to what they did last year in terms of a local/genge mix. However the second set of this mix is BANANAs, I dont really care what anyone else says but this new crew that TOD have put on the bill is Bananas. THIS JAMROCK SOUND is sick!! Mike Lex, DJ Waxfiend and that whole crew is guaranteed to turn things around. This shit for me is just different and I may contemplate an ATL trip just to see this cats live. Seriously if you haven’t downloaded this mix yet please do so and listen to the JAMROCK set (Actually BLAST IT).

Real talk without kissing any ass – that mix and that whole platform is a good look for anyone. To TOD/Focus for exposing folks to different sound this is a good look, coz real talk we’ve done the same, the usual which is the reason some of us stopped travelling for parties….I love Kris Darling but there are other sound systems in Kenya or in the world. I think the only way to top this would be to bring maybe … ahhh….maybe… MIGHTY CROWN? he he he and its a wrap. I mean who would have known Netherlands has so much Dancehall sound – Anyway From me and my GetMziki Crew we salute the JAMROCK SOUND indefinitely.

ATL is going to be interesting this year I can already tell he he he … maybe I will come .. 🙂


download the mix here [right click and hit save target as]


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