Anto Neosoul – KataKata


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Kenya’s Neo-soul King and vocal power house Anto is back at it again with a new spin to an old Kenyan Chakacha tune simply called Kata Kata. According to the artist, the song is a celebration of fusion between Chakacha, one of Kenya’s most distinct music genres, and afro pop.

The Song is produced by one of Kenya’s best and most versatile producers Patrick “Saint P” Mbaru and video shot, directed and edited by Chebeni Wabuyele, a Kenyan film maker based in U.S.A.

Its video released on youtube can only be described as simple or as the artist describes it, “shot in Guerilla Style.”

It will bring back old memories for those who grew up singing and listening to the song, and will have club goers getting down to its catchy tune. The story is one of love, with the main character determined to get the girl of his dreams no matter the cost.

The video shines a light on areas of Nairobi that normally get poor press, and shows the more flamboyant and chic side of things.

Watch the video below:


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