AntoNeoSoul – Chips Funga


I have had this song for a while but to be honest I never got past the first 30 seconds coz it started kinda slow for me. Eventually I got around to listening to the entire beat and surprisingly its not bad at all. Now what tripped me out is that I thought this was a female on the track, turns out this is none other than Anthony Mwangi a.k.a Anto Neousoul whose been humbly making his ground for a few years now.

Anto has been in the studio working with the legendary Chris Adwar, on his debut album. From what I understand his upcoming work will be mainly a fusion of Afro, Reggae and Neo Soul fantasized over some poetry, mission driven music. Frankly I think this version of the Chips Funga remixes or refixes sounds the most appealing now that i think about it.

listen and download the song here:

AntoNeoSoul – Chips Funga by getmziki

watch the promo video here:


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