Bamzi – Mizuka (GetMziki Exclusive ****)


It’s been years since we ever mentioned or heard of this name, its amazing how time flies. Whats more amazing is the fact that over time we stopped associating Bamzigi with Necessary Noize – not taking into consideration that his career was sparked up by that union.

Bamzi also known as Bamzigi (born Harrison Munio Kariba) has been rapping/free-styling for a long time, however its not until Ted Josiah through Audio Vault Studios/Records decided to put him together with Nazizi and Wyre to form Necessary Noize. The group dissolved when Bamzi went to college in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and failed to re-unite when he moved back to Kenya. I figure he had already changed too much to blend in with his former group members. Since then Bamzi hooked up with Gichboy producer/DJ turned entreprenuer whom collectively seem to have churned out some hits inspired by Ambrose (Mandugu Digital) (all of which have bits and pieces of controversy here and there).

Bamzi has been struggling and suffering with addiction – the highs and lows are suggestive of a man really trying to look for himself but often falls short through his drug problem. I personally think the first step towards recovery is to first accept that you have a problem, which in his case has been pretty eminent in the adverse recover institutions he has been to endlessly.

Today I look at a picture of Bamzi and I see his cut off his dreads and seems candid and optimistic towards the future. I listen to the interview he had on Capital FM with Chao and I hear a level of growth and aspiration. I hope this stays. This track is firmly titled Mizuka, which is his attempt at reinventing the sound of Kenyan local music. He did it before with the Bounce, which became Mandugu Digitals ultimate musical/production signature – lets see if he can pull it off with Mizuka which is inspired by the Red Room (CodeRed Recording Studios or what i understand is better known as Red Republik)

I plugged the S (superman) on his image to crown him his will-be title the African Superman… 🙂 Thats been his Mantra for years.

listen to Mizuka here:


download the track here:

Bonus Material:

Listen to the Capital FM interview with Chao – Bamzi and Madtraxx


This is an influential story if you have the time and bandwidth please listen, Bamzi talks about his addiction, talks about how he is getting back on track how he has overcome objectives. Deep interview.


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