Brand New : V6 (Jomino)feat Buddhahat – Tarua

v6_jomino.jpg  V6 part of the Jomino family has dropped an exclusive track (well actually this track has been out for a while, but in the US/UK websphere its new). I decided that I would drop all the hits first and make noise about them. Also I have general biases so I drop songs that I think are hits, from the number of songs I receive in a day, the number that actually gets onto this website is about 5%.Thanks to our partners for making this possible.  This track wakes me up in the morning, I programmed my alarm clock to have the TARUA ringtone – although the content of this song is a little suspect, meaning I dont want my daughter to sing to this music type of stuff… it still makes a good energy-jane fonda type of track.Jomino has really been dominating the scenes in Kenya lately, hit after hit… This is no exception, i’d say this is what I call a sure shot – instant club banger. (reminds me of ONYX I don’t know why, maybe coz it just seems like its a violent track – although the artist is talking about other things “violently”) listen to the track here:

[audio:] download the track by clicking here:  



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