Brian Komu ft. Double L – The Only One


I’ve had this track for a while now but again I slept on it until I saw the video this past weekend and I couldn’t help but feel like its worthy of a post. Now that I listen to the track over and over again I realize its actually not a bad track. Some folks have often said I have a general bias towards Clemo/Calif Records. I beg to differ, there are tonnes of songs that they have sent us but we normally just don’t post or we tell them we are not really feeling them as much.

If you go to Clemo’s Youtube page you will see a lot of his new music/old music and some projects he is constantly involved with. You will quickly realize we post about 10% to 15% of the music he thats on that youtube page. Thats not to say that his success rate is at 10% – lol coz that would be crazy to think like that. It just means we need to put the whole bias argument to rest – my point is we are an equal opportunity entertainment firm as well. We push music that we feel is worthy. Just like this here – Brian Komu feat Double L. I currently don’t have any real information or any images from Calif with these artists in mind but for now I am sure we can enjoy the beat and the video. (Its kinda ironic if you think about it, that in Africa/Kenya artists will have a music video but no photos!!!)

listen to the Only one here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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