Daddy Owen – System Ya Kapungala


Image Courtesy Of Kenyan Gospel

I’ll start off the post with some facts about Daddy Owen that some people might not know. He just won the award for “Best Male Artist” in the just concluded Groove Awards 2009, he’s Rufftone’s younger brother and he’s one of the few artists who’s shutting down the streets, clubs and radio simultaneously.

I know some people are really questioning this whole Gospel crossover movement, but I’ve always insisted that good music is good music regardless of the subject matter. What I’m worried about is the “genuineness” of some of the artists who are using that route to pursue “other” goals.

The number of hit songs I have from Daddy Owen are just too many to mention and for all those still on the sidelines, all I know is that its time to get familiar with “System ya Kapungala”, which Daddy Owen says is a fusion of Kapuka and Lingala; hence the name Kapungala. Enjoy!!!!!

Listen to the Song Below:

Click HERE to Download the track (RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS)

Watch The Video Here:


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