Fauz Noir – Nu Bounce


One thing I like the most about new artists is the hunger, I am often inspired by guys who are fearless and just ask you for honest opinion on their tracks. I however tend to lean towards artists that are able to back up their career path. By this I mean don’t send me a song if you are not ready to support your career with a video, a photoshoot amongst other things that will definitely make your life cycle as a recording artists successful.

So maybe on an average day I probably would have missed this track by Fauz, especially because I havent heard the name Fauz anywhere in my inner entertainment circle. However when he sent me his track this week, he included the audio, the video and images (I LOVE THAT) because it makes my work so much easier. And by that simple virtue I decided I must post the track regardless of whether its a banger or not.

Now lets get to the nitty gritty here – Fauz honestly reminds me of MYSTIKAL (you know Mista Shake ya Ass, and DANGER)… I think he probably will be the first East African artsits with this unique rapping style unless I missed something somewhere. Each time I play this song I just hear a Kenyan-esq Mystikal.. ha ha ha.. that shizz is amazing. This particular track seems to be an ode to Nairobi which is the city thats has influenced Fauz upbring. Through out the song he shouts out all the neighborhoods he has lived in that albeit shaped him and motivated him to be better and to become an artist. Funny enough in his words not mine he says … “I see music and Nairobi so closely intertwined that they form the shape of beautiful women, whom I adore and woo to develop this new style of music called “NU BOUNCE”

So I don’t know if this new music style will stick, I also currently don’t have any tangible thoughts about him as a new artists. At the moment I just think he is different – and DIFFERENT CAN BE GOOD. But give me a few more days to collect my thoughts, I will add them in the comments section. For now enjoy the track as well…. this could be the beginning of something new and fresh.

Listen to Nu Bounce here:


download the track here:

watch the video here:


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