Full Kipupwe – Wakamba Wawili feat Abbas


Full Kipupwe actually means cool season, or super baridi with high winds,

its not one of those words that you’d normally hear through conversations, unless you are in Tanzania or somewhere in Mombasa.

Labala and Angano make up Wakamba Wawili (which ideally is still part of Ukoo Fulani Mau Mau) but together they have been putting out hits on the underground scene. This song may not be your average Kenyan Local song (they hate calling their music Genge) so for now we will call it Kenyan hiphop because ultimately they consider themselves conscious rappers. Putting dobiez (aka Abbas Kubaff) on this track just added the right mix – his opening verse killed it.

“Rusha mikono juu, ngoja mi nikueleze, funga mdomo wacha mi ni malize…” (futuristic rhymes) Wakamba wawili watch out for more music from this duo…


download the track here:


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