Kantai – Feel Good (GetMziki Exclusive ****)



one please send me an updated picture of Chris Kantai… Honestly this is probably one of the few Kenyan artist that I have been unable to track on Facebook, on Twitter, on Myspace – Kantai basically doesn’t exist on the web. PERIOD. It so sad yet I feel like this is one of Kenyas GREATEST artists ever. Actually if you ever asked me which two artists I would like to see battle it out, I would probably put Chris Kantai on one stage and Tim Bamboo on the other. Its that simple, two artists that can flow word for word in both English and Swahili.

If this particular track is not a testament of what KANTAI’s capabilities are then I don’t know what is. I am not sure who produced this track but I think the feel good sound with soft harps and easy kick and snare just adds to the groovy tune. There is a peculiar sound on this track that sounds like a fader being janked up and down as if to insinuate volume fading in and out like the way Techno/Dance tracks play with the sound waves. I cant explain it well maybe we should get a sound engineer to elaborate on my useless feedback. This song sounds like a track Hiram would produce but again I am not sure who put it together – anyone with more information hit us up as usual.

Bottom LINE is even without the POAAAAA!! on the track this shit is just too legit. Chris I keep saying dogg get your head right, you are the BIGGEST hiphop act in Kenya just waiting to happen. I mean Bamboo left so there is no competition he he he its open season homie. // Am not saying there are no other good rappers in Kenya I just think in his category he sits on his own pedestal. //

listen to feel good here:


download the track here:


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