Mejja Video Interview on New Album – Calif TV


Clemo and I email back and forth from time to time and he is always keen on showing me what he is working on next. I have to admit I admire is zeal and drive to push his label to the next level. Seriously when you think about a home grown record label its hard not to think about Calif Records. It also is interesting that his brother developed the passion for video/production to the level he has building a small empire with his Luche production which does most of the Calif Record music videos.

Every now and then I will log on to Clemo’s youtube channel to see whats cooking. This weekend I stumbled upon some relatively old/new interviews of Mejja. There are numerous other interviews of Mejja online I believe but to date I think this is probably the more informative and more relaxed I have watched. I am hoping that Mejja or Calif TV can actually materialize and produce some comedy sitcoms of Mejja coz the cat just makes me happy lyrically and also as a character on his music videos. Reminds me of Mr. Bean 🙂

Watch Mejja talk about his upcoming album here:

Catch the second part of the interview here:


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