Nonini Feat Bon’Eye – Heshma


I’ll start off this post by saying that if you have not heard or bought Nonini’s “Godfather Of Genge” album you are definitely missing out on good music. I really wanna give him props since everything that he does, concerning his music is always a couple of steps higher than other artists. His graphics, videos, website and show performances are all something other artists should strive to emulate and have. In this modern age, the average consumer buying cds or coming to shows wants to feel having a “personal connection” to the artist, by being able to read and see what they are doing on a consistent basis, read their Facebook and Twitter updates , blog entries and also be able to comment back and forth with the artist and get instant feedback. There are not many artists in Africa who are doing what Nonini is doing on a consistent basis and in 2010 digital era standards. Kudos also goes to his management team!!!

I rarely do this but on this post I decided to go to Nonini’s website and copy his blog entry about the “Heshma” track since he perfectly summarizes the track.

“This is my gift to my genge hardcore fans who were with me from day 1 of this journey. People may change with time and life is a rollercoaster with ups and downs but kitu moja sija wai sahau ni mali nilizaliwa!
Pumwani Estate (Carlifornia) where all this genge movement started. The month of October is a very special month to me sabu Kuzaliwa mwezi moja na mzee Gandi (Libra)…… Nonini a.k.a The Godfather takes it back to the block with another record from the godfather album titled Heshma kwa Mtaa…No matter where ur born in this world, its up to u to decide ur fate/destiny in life!!!! Kuanguka tulikataaa…..
RIP Muxhsin and Tuma plus a whole lot of other cats weve lost along the way!”

“Hesham” that features P-Units Bon’Eye is what I call hot street anthem music, that is a banger right from the beat, lyrics and video. The guys did a great job on the video too!!. There are no free downloads on this post. Go out and support good music by copping Nonini’s album here.

Listen to the track below:


Watch the Video below:


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