Sister FA – Milyamba



I was in Maui last week – Maui is far its like one of the last places to celebrate new year normally
so i’m in this airport shuttle and some guy enters and right away i new he was African. He had a huge drum with him which took one of the rows of that shuttle. Anyway we got talking and i found out he was from Senegal and was there as musician doing performances all over the Island – Oh and the van driver was an Egyptian – how did 3 Africans end up on this remote island so far from Africa ?

One thing you got to give to Senegalese is that they are strong on culture, they feed off their culture the way Kenyans feed off Athletics and they have a deep bench of talent –  you can’t go to any major city in the US or the world without finding some Senegalese music group art group or somebody just selling curious and artifacts.

Anyway that conversation got me thinking about this post which i was working on earlier but did not have a story to go with it – i know people like background stories but in a perfect world i would rather just post a song and let it speak for itself.


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