Ukoo Fulani Mau Mau – Mizani


Some Weekend Swirl – This is some old heat from the GENERALS themselves, am posting this song because I like it, it deserves a spot somewhere on your hard drive or your CD changer. When this song dropped in Kenya a lot of young’ns didnt know how to react to the beat but the knew they loved the flow – UKOO FULANI continuously keeps pushing social conscious rap and hiphop culture…

For a long time I also didnt know that they spell out the name in all their raps ” Ni U K Double O” – Nice creativity….

ps. Mizani means Scales or balance or measure…. you know when was the last time you used the word Mizani in a swahili sentence?

listen to Mizani here:

download the track here:

[Download the SONG here: RIGHT CLICK AND SAVE AS]


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