Abby Skillz Feat Alinda – Dunia (GetMziki Exclusive ***)


Tanzania is on the verge of one of the biggest elections in its history. In my little knowledge of the Tanzanian Government structure, I believe since its independence Tanzania has had only one political party in power – CCM. For the first time in the history of the country and the community as a whole – the mass majority of the people are dissatisfied with the Governance CCM has put in place since president Jakaya Kikwete took office.

Essentially over the last 5 to 10 years Tanzanias economy has dwindled down as the people in power continue to take care of their own interests. Its as if TZ picked a page out of the Kenyan corruption notebook and perfected it. A few years ago (1999) there was an airport scandal of monumental heights. The Tanzanian Airports Authority bought a radar from BAE systems for 46Million Dollars. I mean this radar can see planes landing in South Africa thats how powerful it is, all with Tax payers money with other arrears that can’t seem to be tracked at this point. There has been an inquisition since then with no particular resolution to that effect(typical of East African countries). Remind me of the passport or ID equipment scandal Kenya had a while back too… Makes me wonder kwani there is not Government comptroller who checks to see whats being purchased and why? Or is he in on most of the things too? Sometimes I wish we could replicate that KAGAME guy… (coincidentally did you know that Rwanda has the most women in Government that any African country!! talk about equal opportunity)

Anyway I digress..

Today as I drop this Abby Skillz track I can’t help but listen to the words and hope and pray Tanzanians will make the right decisions on the polls this year. Abby breaks down region by region how politics and people just get power and go crazy. I think also taking into consideration today Kenya goes to the polls to vote YES or NO on the Draft Constitution – there has never been a more appropriate song.

Dunia ni Tambara bovu – The world is a messed up piece of cloth!!

listen to Dunia here:


download the track here:


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