Madilu System – Ako


I am probably the worst or the least expected to post this song here simply because I am sort of a late boomer when it comes to Lingala music. But funny enough I grew up to parents who adored lingala and probably attended all concerts that took place in Nairobi. One person I know my Dad was into was this cat called Madilu System. Madilu was part of that whole TP-OK Jazz movement with akina Franco Luambo Makiadi. And although both these legends are gone today (with Madilu passing away sometime in 2007) I feel as though a lot of these music and genre will transcend generations to come.

I personally call these tunes African Blues (Blues is such a Kenyan term for R&B or old school Motown slow grooving tunes)… but hey it is what it is.. enjoy this rare grooves on a chilly Tuesday. Although I hear in Nairobi the SUN brought out its relatives this week… Enjoy the sun to this AKO track

listen to Ako here:


download the song here:

watch the video here:


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