Wanlov the Kubolor – Green Card



image courtesy (http://www.ica.org.uk/)

I was in NY hanging out with my Ghanaian family out there – talking music and life. They Introduced me to Ghanian hiphop and Hiplife. There is whole host of artists coming from Ghana and the Ghana diaspora  – Blitz the Ambassador, Manifest, Samini, Not for getting my host Jibril the African.  I had heard of  Wanlov the Kubolor since Edu has been having him on heavy rotation on bbc – with the song Kokonsa – i had to find out what the hell kokonsa means  – Kokonsa means  gossip. But apart from that you may have seen hes famous freestyle on Knaan’s ABC which he totally murdered  check it out below.

The song green card speaks of alot of realities that many Africans have to live with and deal with but does so in a humurous way.

Play and Download the track here:


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