Brand New: Stan – RollaCoasta


I am posting this song knowing Wawesh (Blao Entertainment and Penya Records) will fura but I don’t care, honestly good music needs to be sambazwad why lie. I have the STAN album, anyone who wants to get their hands on this album please hit me up ( its available in stock. But honestly I had to upload that Number 11 Wesh – why lie. Kamataaaa!!!

So Stans album titled Kenyan Debut – dropped on November 4th 2008, I am not sure how the listening party went down but we featured his single on GetMziki the same week he was dropping his album (Gachugwa) . I have over talked the hype around Stan and his talent, right now I think I will just share the songs that make me move and wake me up in the morning.

Rollacoasta is a track that features some chile called Wangeci – I think Wangeci almost murdered Stan on this track, id be dying to listen to some of her future work, although the reality here is that these are some Kenyan voices really compelling me to want to become an singer also. lol. I cant deny Valentines is around the corner for many of you soft mofo’s please make plans cop this CD now and send it to your Gachugwa – I guarantee its a must have. Well am caught up between this CD and the Sauti Sol dudes… decisions decisions. None the less – here is RollaCoasta… And yes to all my other Non African users on the site – YES these are Kenyans blowing (singing their hearts out)…

listen to Rollacoasta here:


Download the track here:


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