The HEAT is on – DJ Mista Dru // Thanksgiving Promo Mix


image courtesy of Straight Up Show – KTN Kenya

Traditionally for many Kenyans living in the US, Atlanta has always been that one place that they re-treat to when they need to catch up with old friends and family. This year is not any different, as part of the on going tradition, the event organizers will always bring DJs and artists from East Africa to usher in the events as approximately 5,000 Kenyans gather in this small town to celebrate Thanksgiving festivities (which is on Thursday 27th – but the parties are the whole weekend)

This year GetMziki worked closely with 2Kat Entertainment to put together a package that we felt would be different, would be interesting, competitive, and for most part TIGHT. Although we don’t use this website to push “events as such”, we try as much as we can to stay neutral (as you’ll notice a lot of other DJ mixes being published and pushed here – KMadness, DJ KillBill, DJ Slim).

However DJ Dru who has flown from Kenya and has been touring, is currently in Seattle this weekend. Dru who will be at the Truly 2Kat Thanksgiving Extravaganza has been working on DJ mixes from his hotel room just to feed the people. So we decided not to hold onto these sets any longer and we will share them… for more information visit:

listen to the New Dru Thanksgiving Promo here:


download the set here


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